Editorial: Explore the Futuristic World of Planet Ninalem.
Photographer: Derrick Kakembo
Models: Elijah @NiiAgency and Sharda @M&P Models
Make Up Artist: Ana Fry
Hair: Denise (hairguru) Johnson
Stylist: Femi Ayo
Casting Director: Theo Spencer
Planet Ninalem, a futuristic world where there are no conventions or responsibilities. A place where the only gender and currency permitted is artistic liberation.
Influenced by Black punks and English skinheads, the photographer Derrick Kakembo and make up artist Ana Fry were curious to see the two subcultures cross over. The sixties and seventies saw political reaction erupt through appearance, expression and a 'don't give a f*ck' attitude; Planet Ninalem explores the evolution of this time.
All accessories and waist coat styslists own
Jacket, Joanna Berling
Jacket, Joanna Berling
All accessories, stylists own. All clothes, Joanna Berling
Pink dress, Joanna Berling
All clothing, Joanna Berling
Photographer: Derrick Kakembo
Models: Elijah @NiiAgency and Sharda @M&P Models
Make Up Artist: Ana Fry
Hair: Denise (hairguru) Johnson
Stylist: Femi Ayo
Casting Director: Theo Spencer